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Showing posts from August, 2018

Reading Notes: The Cunning Crane and the Crab

I found this story of the cunning crane and the crab the most fascinating among all Jatakas stories. It is simple, yet tells the importance of wisdom and strategy. “Dear Fish,” said the Crane, “I am so sorry to see you cooped up in this hole. I know a beautiful lake close by, deep and fresh and cool, and if you like I will carry you there.” I like how the crane is so cunning and somewhat persuasive. “I’m not so cruel as all that. I have eaten a fish now and then” — he saw it was of no use denying that, because they knew he had — “but I have plenty of other food, and it goes to my heart to see you here. In this hot water you will all be boiled fish before long!” This not only sounds cunning to the fish, but I think it's really persuasive. The crane is trying to persuade the fishes with evidences. 'Then the Crane saw what a fool he had been to let a Crab put a claw round his neck. He knew that the Crab could kill him if he liked, and he was f

Reading Options

There are many, many interesting Indian epic stories. Stories of gods and goddesses are really interesting and fun to read! One interesting story that I have found is Vali: The Downfall of an Arrogant King . I found this story to be fascinating because it shows how fighting and struggle for power are some of the most common themes in Indian epics. Another story that I have found interesting is the story of Kumbhakarna the Sleeping Giant . This story can tell an interesting revere that Indian epics has on giants and large figures. The very size of Kumbhakarna scares his opponents, Rama's army. It was also interesting to find an ally connection between Ravana, who is an enemy of Rama, and Kumbhakarna the Giant. Third story that I have found interesting is the story of Uloopi: The Naga Princess who Fell in Love with Arjuna . It was very interesting to read about the love story of Uloopi the Naga Princess who fell in love with Arjuna. It was a sad story of unrealized love (

Time Strategies

Being a very bad procrastinator, this time management strategies have taught me very important lessons. I have a very bad habit of putting and leaving tasks to the last minute, forcing myself to hyper-focus and rush through anything, whether it be class assignments, appointment times, or even everyday needs like dinner, at the last minute. I seem to be somewhat addicted to not being alert about the due dates, closing times, and deadlines. It can be obvious even when I'm dining in the campus restaurants. I would go and order at 11:58 pm, when the restaurant closes at 12. Overall, I have learned the habit of just getting things started although it is very difficult. Like Jory Mackay says in his article, the best way to beat procrastination is to get things started and and change the course of bad habits.    I found this article to be very relevant to my procrastinating life style, and I've learned a lot from reading this helpful article:  Importance of Getting things sta


This class does utilize a more innovative and technologically advanced format than other classes, and I found that to be fascinating! Use of this blogger tool, website publishing, bookmarking important pages, editing images, and creating interesting graphics all sounded exciting and fun to me. I had never had any experience with above tools that I mentioned before taking this class. So, it was unfamiliar and new to me at first, but as I started using the tools since Monday (first day of class), I seem to get used to their neat features. This online environment is very different from what I have experienced with other regular classes. Nevertheless, I do find this kind of new environment more fun and exciting! So although it is different, I like this format and delivery method a lot more than regular, traditional classroom setting. I hope to enhance my blogging skills over the course of this semester. Blogging. Source:  Blogging skills


As I was reading through the various class assignments, two distinctly different thoughts came into my mind. I've had both positive and negative thoughts, yet positive thought is much bigger than negative one. One thought is that there are many, several weekly readings and assignments, and they can get quite overwhelming at some point during the semester (e.g. Midterm). The other thought is that all those readings and assignments are.. in fact.. FUN!! I know for sure, no matter how much reading and assignments there are, I will be thoroughly enjoying them. I love reading interesting fairy tales, myths, and legends. This class is all about that. In addition, I love the fact that the purpose of the assignments are to write authentically and creatively.  I'm intrigued by writing a storybook for class project. I've never written a storybook before, but I'm sure I will be having so much fun doing it.   Extra credit assignments are just as intere

Growth Mindset

I have never heard about Carol Dweck or the concept of "growth mindset" before I have taken this class. Yet, as I have learned about this amazing concept of growth mindset, I become convinced and aligned with the idea. I very much agree with Professor Dweck and her interesting idea of growth mindset. I think such mindset is critically important for our constantly fast-changing modern society. Nothing these days seem to sit still or stagnate in terms of progress. Nearly all companies and organizations talk about 'innovation' as their growth model. So, instead of staying in the "comfort zone" of easy, already mastered areas of work and study, I think it is critically important to push ourselves, be willing to accept failures and keep trying new, challenging tasks, and never stop taking risks. After graduating high school in Seoul, South Korea, I could have just stayed in Korea and attend a local university there. But, I wanted to explore new places an

Introduction to Peter the Real Estate Agent

Hi guys! I'm Peter, and I'm an OU student. I'm a junior, and I'm majoring in Communication. I believe I'm a very honest person, so I'm going to tell you why I chose to major in Communication. I honestly chose to do this major because I thought Communication would be a relative easy major. Nevertheless, it turns out that it is not! Some professors are tough and demanding, and there are lots of heavy reading, intensive writing, and several exams that I need to complete to earn an OU Communication degree. I still think Communication is a pretty cool major because I get to learn about many interesting effective communication theories. Because my major belongs to the College of Arts and Sciences, it has heavier emphasis on theory and research more than practice and application. Honestly, I don't really remember a "cool class" that I took last semester (I don't think I had any). Nonetheless, these classes, Myth Folklore and Indian Epics, ar

Storybook Favorites

I have found three very interesting storybooks from other students' blogs. One interesting storybook that I really caught my attention was about various kinds of festivals in India. Epic Festivals of India                In the storybook, it talks about many different kinds of festivals in India. India is well-known for all kinds of interesting festivals throughout the calendar year. This storybook really has caught my attention for its interesting Indian festival picture.  Indian Festivity. Source:  Holi powder festival I have found this picture very fascinating. There is a saying that says "a picture is worth a thousand words." I think this picture definitely explains what that means. Besides the interesting picture, the storybook also did a great job in its introduction. Jalsa, the author, explained different kinds of important annual Hindi festivals in a concise, yet clear way. Second interesting storybook that I have found i

My Favorite Place: Seoul, South Korea

Hello Class, this is Peter. I'm from Seoul, South Korea, and Seoul is my favorite place. Seoul is my hometown, and it is where I was born and raised. Seoul is an absolutely beautiful city in Asia with lots of mountains and river. Seoul also is the capital city of the Republic of Korea (South Korea).   Skyline of Seoul. Source:  Seoul Skyline