In the old ancient India, there was a mischievous, popular king named Uparichara. Uparichara was born into a life of enormous wealth and privileges: he didn't have siblings and was destined to become the king of Chedi. Uparichara didn't care about his future because he was destined to the crown, so he lived a life of sex, binge drinking, smoking medicinal drugs for recreation, and all sorts of indulgence until the age of 33. Another reason why he was so much into lust and indulgence was because of stress of being an important public figure. As a prince, he was expected to appear moral and exemplary to his people. Uparichara desperately wanted to become the king, but his father lived a long life: Uparichara's 88-year-old father who was his predecessor didn't want to turn over the crown to his son because he believed he failed his son's upbringing and moral character education. One night in his dream, Uparichara saw frowned-faced gods and angels. Uparichara ask...